Model Theory

Advanced Course

Silvia Barbina (The Open University, UK)

Board Contact:
Alberto Marcone


CFU: 4 CFU + assignment: 2 CFU

Period: January–February 2021

Lessons / Hours: 8 lessons, 16 hours, online


We introduce some model-theoretic tools and ideas up to initial notions in stability theory. We aim to cover a selection of the following topics:

  • types, the compactness theorem for types
  • examples of relational structures (dense linear orders, the random graph)
  • universal homogeneous models
  • saturation and the existence of saturated models
  • the monster model
  • omitting types theorem, small theories
  • ω-categorical theories and the Ryll-Nardzewski theorem
  • preservation theorems and quantifier elimination
  • imaginaries and the eq-expansion
  • formulas without the order property (externally definable sets, stability and the number of types)

Prerequisites: Structures, theories, elementarity (including elementary substructures, Tarski-Vaught test, downward Lowenheim-Skolem theorem), the compactness theorem