Alessandro Forgiarini

Alessandro Forgiarini


Supervisor: Fabio Buttussi

Phone: +39 0432 558413 

Room: L2c-02-CD


Research Project

Artificial Intelligence techniques in eXtended reality Multiplayer Serious Games for training complex abilities

This research project concerns the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the context of multiplayer serious games (SG) for training complex abilities. SGs support intrinsic motivation in the users and can provide situated learning. The goal is to use adaptation and assessment techniques to tune the challenge level of a multiplayer serious game in eXtended reality (XR) and then analyze the data produced by the users using stealth assessment. XR is an umbrella term for Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR).

In a multiplayer context, users have various levels of expertise for the assigned task, which can lead some of them enjoying the experience while others feeling bored. The adaptation of the SG difficulty in real-time could mitigate this problem. All the data generated by the users will be analyzed through stealth assessment to assess the efficacy of the serious game for its objectives.