Domenico Giuseppe Salluce

Domenico Giuseppe Salluce


Supervisor: Stefano Ansoldi, Daniele Pranzetti


Room: Rizzi L2-11-DE


Research Project

Holography at all distances

In recent years, the unveiling of new infinite-dimensional symmetry groups within gravitational theories offered a fresh bottom-up perspective on the problem of quantum gravity. This led to a revised interest in applying the concept of holography, not only to the context of S-matrix scattering amplitudes in asymptotically flat spacetimes (AFSs) but also to the description of quantum geometry through the decomposition of gravitational systems into subsystems.

The former approach, referred to as celestial holography, builds upon an extension of the BMS algebra, characterizing the symmetries of null infinity in AFSs. These symmetries are intimately linked to soft graviton theorems and memory effects.

The latter approach, known as local holography, is rooted in the notion of corner symmetry algebra generated by a subset of diffeomorphisms in general relativity, which are gauge in the bulk, but become physical symmetries on any finite distance boundary of spacetime.

The primary objective of this project is to explore the relationship and interplay between these two notions of symmetry algebra in order to combine different quantization techniques developed for finite and infinite distance boundaries and, ultimately, to relate the physics of a black hole horizon with that of null infinity.