Danilo Catena

Danilo Catena


Supervisor: Marisa Michelini, Lorenzo Santi


Room: Rizzi L1-05-BE

Mail: catena.danilo@spes.uniud.it

Research Project

A vertical path for the conceptual learning of electromagnetic waves

Within the theoretical framework of the Model of Educational Reconstruction, the research aims to develop an educational path on electromagnetic radiation. The research is articulated in the context of the content research in physics education, using Learning Analytics and Design Based Research methods to develop teaching intervention modules to be implemented step by step, and organized in a coherent path following the analysis of the data learning. Thus, research involves a continuous alternation of study, planning, experimentation, and data analysis. Data collection is carried out with tests, questionnaires, tutorials, and interviews. The data analysis is carried out both with qualitative and quantitative research tools. Particular attention is paid to representations as conceptual referents of the theme. Specific laboratory sessions are designed and integrated into the course.

The first stage of the research concerns the study of the conceptual elements and representations of electromagnetic radiation. It is coupled with the study of the research literature on the learning difficulties of upper secondary school students about the addressed topic. Some literature surveys are locally submitted for their validation on the learning developments related to the research proposals. The second stage focuses on experimentation of teaching intervention modules about electromagnetic radiation. The first experiments join previous studies on optical spectroscopy. Research products are: results on the learning processes of single concepts, clusters of teaching intervention modules and learning progression on the educational path, tutorials, tests and data analysis rubrics, innovative experiments.