Asymptotic symmetries in gravity


Daniele Pranzetti (University of Udine)

Board Contact:
Daniele Pranzetti


CFU: 3 CFU + assignment: 2 CFU

Period: April-May 2024

Lessons / Hours: 12 hours, divided in six 2-hours lectures (weekly) 


Asymptotic symmetry groups:

  • The BMS group
  • The Weyl BMS group
  • The generalized BMS group

Tetrad variables:

  • (Renormalized) symplectic potential
  • Noether charges and fluxes
  • Asymptotic Einstein’s equations

Higher spin symmetry:

  • Covariant charges
  • Subleading Einstein’s equations
  • w1+∞ symmetry

Verification: Written exam about applications of the formalism discussed during the lectures to a specific case

Prerequisites: Basics of differential calculus and general relativity (students lacking this background are encouraged to make contact in advance with the teacher, as a crash course on necessary prerequisites can be provided on demand)