Faraz William
Supervisor: Dimitri Breda
Room: Rizzi L1-01a-ND
Mail: william.faraz@spes.uniud.it
Research Project
Numerical Modeling for the Dynamics of Complex Systems
Numerical analysis of dynamical systems is crucial for effectively describing the evolution of plenty of models. New challenges are posed by realistic modelling of systems with several degrees of complexity, due to, e.g., large or even infinite dimension, stochasticity and availability of huge amounts of data. My research has a two-fold objective. On the one hand, the analytical-numerical-computational study of new approaches to modeling that can effectively reconstruct and describe the evolution of complex systems to be used for investigating, e.g., the spread of an epidemic or sustainable production systems in general. On the other hand, the translation of this study into easily usable computational tools available to professionals in the contexts of interest, as effective means of monitoring, forecasting and planning. As a prototype class of models I will focus first on functional equations of differential or integral type (delay and renewal equations).