Alessandro Locaputo

Alessandro Locaputo


Supervisor: Giuseppe Serra


Research Project

Deep Learning techniques for the restoration of damaged inscriptions

Digital humanities is a field that combines computing and the disciplines of the humanities. The recent increase in attention in this field has been fostered by the growing availability of information in electronic format. There have been many initiatives that have focused on the process of digitising human cultural heritage with the aim of preserving it and facilitating its fruition. This newly available data allows for the application of Deep Learning (DL) methods in order to extract new information. However, most of the this data is in English, while for less spoken (or dead) languages it is often scarce, making the use of DL a challenging task.

My PhD project focuses on those languages that, unlike English, present just a small amount of digitised data, such as ancient languages (e.g., Ancient Greek and Latin). In particular, I will develop an assistive tool for humanistic scholars, that through the use of Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision techniques, will assist the restoration process of damaged inscriptions.