Deep Learning for Time-series

Advanced Course

Claudio Gallicchio (University of Pisa)

Board Contact:
Andrea Vacchi


CFU: 1,5 CFU + 1 CFU assignment

Period: April–May 2021

Lessons / Hours: 6 lessons, 12 hours


This course aims at giving a broad overview of Machine Learning and Deep Learning methodologies for time-series analysis, with a major focus on Neural Network methods. The course will feature both lectures and hands-on labs.

Topics covered:

  • A gentle introduction to Machine/Deep Learning
  • Deep Learning libraries: TensorFlow, Keras (+sklearn)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks: basics and advances
    • Vanilla RNN
    • Gated architectures: LSTMs, GRUs
    • Bi-directional RNNs
    • Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
    • (Deep) Reservoir Computing
  • Convolutional Neural Networks for time-series
  • Attention Mechanisms, Transformers
  • Brief notes on continuous depth models, Neural ODEs

Verification: Seminar or small project

Prerequisites: Basics of: Linear algebra, Calculus, Programming (in Python)