Andrea Brunello
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE AI for Healthcare, Symbolic and Sub-symbolic AI integration, Digital Humanities
Antonio Bucchiarone
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Gamification, Serious Games, Adaptive Games, Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering
Fabio Buttussi
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Health and Safety
Luca Chittaro
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Serious Games, Mobile Applications, Health and Safety, Persuasive Technology
Alessandro Cimatti (Coordinator)
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Formal Verification, Model Checking, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, Planning, Diagnosis, Diagnosability, Temporal and Epistemic Logic
Vincenzo Della Mea
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Health Informatics, Biomedical Image Analysis, Biomedical ontologies and classifications
Dario Della Monica
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Logics for computer science, Formal verification, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Temporal reasoning in AI
Luca Di Gaspero
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Metaheuristics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Production Optimization, Logistics Optimization
Agostino Dovier
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Constraint Programming, Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Bioinformatics, GPGPU parallelism
Carlo Drioli
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sound Analysis and Processing, Voice Analysis and Synthesis, Emotive Speech Synthesis, Physical Modeling of the Speech Production, Nonlinear Systems and Neural Networks for Voice and Sound Processing
Federico Fontana
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Sound and Music Computing, Music Interfaces, Interactive Sound Processing, Sonic Interaction Design
Gian Luca Foresti
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Vision, Cybersecurity, Deep and Machine Learning, Unsupervised Neural Networks, Data and Information Fusion, Biometrics, Pattern Recognition and Image processing, Audio Processing and Recognition
Andrea Formisano
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Logic Programming, Automated Reasoning, GPU-computing
Eddy Maddalena
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Crowdsourcing, Information Retrieval, Data Science and Big Data Analytics
Niki Martinel
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Image Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, Multimedia
Christian Micheloni
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Active Vision, Resource Aware Camera Networks, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Marino Miculan
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Cybersecurity, Distributed Systems, Formal methods, Category Theory, Type Theory, Logic
Stefano Mizzaro
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Web information retrieval, Information retrieval effectiveness evaluation, Data science, Crowdsourcing, Human computation, Social computing, Mobile and Context-aware systems
Angelo Montanari
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Temporal logics for computer science, Automata, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Temporal reasoning in AI, Spatio-temporal databases, Big data
Andrea Orlandini
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Artificial Intelligence, Formal Methods, Planning and Scheduling, Robotics
Carla Piazza
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Formal Verification, Dynamical and Hybrid Systems, Model Checking Algorithms, Systems Biology
Claudio Piciarelli
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Sensor Reconfiguration and Detection of Anomalies in Images
Alberto Policriti
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Logics, Computable Set Theory, Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology
Gabriele Puppis
INF/01, COMPUTER SCIENCE Formal Methods for Verification (Logics, Algebras, Automata, Transducers), Databases
Fabio Remondino
ICAR/06 TOPOGRAPHY AND CARTOGRAPHY Photogrammetry, Sensor/Data Fusion, 3D modelling, Geospatial processing, Machine Learning
Vincenzo Riccio
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Automated Software Testing, Software Engineering with/for Artificial Intelligence
Kevin Roitero
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Artificial Intelligence, Crowdsourcing & Human Computation, Information Retrieval
Daniele Salvati
ING-INF/05 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Source Localization and Tracking, Signal Enhancement Beamforming, Deep Learning Methods for Acoustic Array Processing, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of Sources and Sensors, Binaural Hearing, Acoustic Scene Classification, Acoustic Event Detection and Classification, Human-Machine Audio Interfaces
Riccardo Spizzo
BIO/13 APPLIED BIOLOGY Translational Research in Cancer Care: Analysis of electronic health records and bioinformatic
Angelo Susi
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Requirements Elicitation and Analysis Through Informal and Formal Methods Techniques, Search-based Software Engineering, Machine learning, Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering, Risk analysis
Massimo Vecchio
INF/01 COMPUTER SCIENCE Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing Techniques, the Internet of Things Paradigm and Power-Aware Engineering Designs and Solutions for Constrained and Embedded Devices